Thank you for  taking the time to connect with me. 

I would love to go over some frequently asked questions and concerns below.

FAQ #1 Is this the right TIME for me?

First, it was great speaking with you. 

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. 

Next, is this the right time to start my business?

Is this the right time to start my business? Will I have the time to take this course?

You will not feel fully comfortable starting your business. Taking a leap and the next step FEELS uncomfortable. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You will NEVER feel 10000% ready but we are here for you to support you every step of the way.

Okay, well maybe it is the right time, but I haven't ran a business before?

FAQ #4 I have never ran a business...

Neither did I! We have the tools to help you build your business and get started in additional online courses.  

My next question, I don't have an art background! Will I be successful?

FAQ #3 I don't have an art background! Will I still be successful?

The short answer is YES.  The biggest question is will you be happy serving others? If the answer is YES, you will love helping and bring a restorative and cosmetic solution to your clients.

Last, will I learn what I need in this program?

FAQ #4  Will I be able to learn everything I need to get started in permanent makeup?

We know there are a lot of programs out there but we provide AMPLE availability and time during our 3 week program to get you started as a permanent makeup artist.  We take your success seriously!  

If you still have questions let's talk some more... Schedule a call through the link below or text "FAQ STUDENT" to 251.209.0199 and we can schedule some time to talk!


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